Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Since Valentine's Day is around the corner:

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am a hopeless romantic. I always have been, always will be. I love the simple gestures that show your significant other is thinking of you and sweet things make me smile. I use the 'stumble' app on my Mac a lot and often times I come across pictures that are just too cute. I know I'm making myself sound like a mush, but I'll shut up and just show you what I'm talking about:

Regardless of if you have someone in mind while reading these or not, I think they are darling. Those are all the I have for now, but rest assured as my collection grows, so will my blog's. 



  1. loveeloveelovee :)
    what is the stumble app?
    I feel something I'm going to love when I get my macbook coming on?

  2. Oh yes yes yes. You add it to your toolbar and you just click the 'stumble' button and it will search the internet for the things that you like. I could spend hours on there. It's no doubt the best invention. ever. :)

  3. Oh I love these inspirational love photos. Especially the one about traveling the world to kiss in every city. That sounds so romantic!!

    Running on Happiness
