Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Love Giveaways

I know that my blog is at the 'humble beginnings' stage, but I love looking through other blogs and interacting with bloggers. I have taken part in a couple swaps (which is something I would recommend!) and have entered into a few giveaways that these lovely ladies put together! 

One giveaway that I am excited about is Moon Face, a blog I check out regularly. She is putting together her wedding, which is wonderful to watch! She is having a giveaway with a Sailor tote by Bayan Hippo, who has a shop on Etsy <3. I wanted to post this and give a little preview of what some of these ladies offer! 

SO gosh darn adorable :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jordan!

    I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your sweet comment in my giveaway post! I'm so flattered to hear that you consider me one of your favorites! Anyways, thanks again!

