Monday, February 14, 2011

Singles Awareness Day

So it's that time again. A time where girls expect candy and flowers and for their significant other to treat them differently than usual, and for the single people to be bitter that they are alone on this 'day of love'. I, for one, immensely dispise this 'holiday'. Since when does there need to be a day to feel loved? And why do you need extravagant things in order to feel important and cared for? Maybe I'm just focusing on those types of people, but they are the majority for today.

It boggles my mind how the original meaning of 'Valentine's Day' has changed from the start. It started out as a holiday to celebrate the life and death of St. Valentine who was a priest in Rome, and was flogged and burnt at the stake for refusing to deny Jesus to the emperor. Lovely, right? It's so strange to see the pull of Coroprate America and how they were able to take this morbid celebration and make it Hallmark worthy with candy, flowers, and stuffed animals.

Don't get me wrong I love romantic gestures, and can be a quite a mush sometimes, but I feel like designating a day for these actions makes it lose its luster a bit. And although my boyfriend knows my feelings toward this 'day of love', he still sends me texts like these:

"Just smile! Think of it as another day that I can tell you
I love you. It doesn't matter what it is to anyone else!"

This brightened my day :) and made me think that although it has come a long way from its origins, spreading a little love around isn't so bad.

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