Friday, February 25, 2011

Slacker #1

So I have been having difficulty with posting at regular intervals. I am just busy! School, work, and an attempt at a social life is a bit time consuming.

With the end of my first quarter at the University of Washington Tacoma coming to a close, Finals are on the horizon and it's go time. I need to do exceptionally well in order to pull satisfactory grades in the eyes of the law school that I have in mind. It's a lot of pressure and motivation to keep the 'eye on the prize' can be difficult at times. But I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone for a couple more years.

On another, more cheerful note, the Decemberists concert last weekend was amazing! They always put on such a great show and they had just the right mix of their new CD and other favorites. It was such a treat and a welcomed break from the school-homework-bed-work-homework-bed-school schedule I have developed as of late. Below are some pictures from the show. Take a look! :)

 Waiting for the show to begin! :)
The Decemberists with special guest, a member from R.E.M, who produced their latest album.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


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