Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just one of those days..

The mornings I crawl out of bed are not my favorite. In general I am just not a morning person, so waking up at 4:45 to head to work does not appeal to me in the least. I am a bit of a caffeine addict so off to Starbucks I went to get my "venti-americano-with-half/half-and-three-sweetn'lows", and while I was on my way to work I picked it up to drink. Then...the unthinkable happened -- the lid popped off and it spilled all over my dress and car. Safe to say, my morning started off on a sour note.
On the bright side, I am in an office all day and my boss is lenient on my attire as long as I look put hopefully she won't mind the wrinkled coffee stained version of me just for today!

And to give my spirits an extra boost, I found this adorable Blog, Dolce Vita. I would recommend checking it out. But now that I have aired my frustrations, I have work to do!


1 comment:

  1. i cringed remembering days like that! spilt coffee is the worse! i hope it didn't ruin your dress and that your day got better!!! amen for bosses like that on days like these.

    your comment on my blog SERIOUSLY made my day!!! i will never be one of those great bloggers but that's okay... because having someone relate to me will be better than any number of followers... even if it's just that one person. i truly believe that so thank you for your darling comment! :) xoxo
