Friday, February 25, 2011

Slacker #1

So I have been having difficulty with posting at regular intervals. I am just busy! School, work, and an attempt at a social life is a bit time consuming.

With the end of my first quarter at the University of Washington Tacoma coming to a close, Finals are on the horizon and it's go time. I need to do exceptionally well in order to pull satisfactory grades in the eyes of the law school that I have in mind. It's a lot of pressure and motivation to keep the 'eye on the prize' can be difficult at times. But I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone for a couple more years.

On another, more cheerful note, the Decemberists concert last weekend was amazing! They always put on such a great show and they had just the right mix of their new CD and other favorites. It was such a treat and a welcomed break from the school-homework-bed-work-homework-bed-school schedule I have developed as of late. Below are some pictures from the show. Take a look! :)

 Waiting for the show to begin! :)
The Decemberists with special guest, a member from R.E.M, who produced their latest album.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


Friday, February 18, 2011


Tonight I get to see the Decemberists again! They are by far one of my favorite bands and my boyfriend takes me to see them whenever they are in town. :) Tonight they will be playing in Seattle at the Paramount Ballroom which is my favorite venue to see live music, just because of the fact that there isn't a bad seat!
Inside the Paramount!
And though I may not be crazy about their new CD The King Is Dead, respect all of them as mucisians and absolutely adore Colin Meloy's voice. The new CD from this group makes sense when you listen to one of Colin Meloy's first musical endeavors, Tarkio, which has the 'Americana' vibe similar to The King Is Dead. In any case, I am ecstatic I get to see them again live tonight! I'm a lucky, lucky girl :)


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Love Giveaways

I know that my blog is at the 'humble beginnings' stage, but I love looking through other blogs and interacting with bloggers. I have taken part in a couple swaps (which is something I would recommend!) and have entered into a few giveaways that these lovely ladies put together! 

One giveaway that I am excited about is Moon Face, a blog I check out regularly. She is putting together her wedding, which is wonderful to watch! She is having a giveaway with a Sailor tote by Bayan Hippo, who has a shop on Etsy <3. I wanted to post this and give a little preview of what some of these ladies offer! 

SO gosh darn adorable :)


Monday, February 14, 2011

Singles Awareness Day

So it's that time again. A time where girls expect candy and flowers and for their significant other to treat them differently than usual, and for the single people to be bitter that they are alone on this 'day of love'. I, for one, immensely dispise this 'holiday'. Since when does there need to be a day to feel loved? And why do you need extravagant things in order to feel important and cared for? Maybe I'm just focusing on those types of people, but they are the majority for today.

It boggles my mind how the original meaning of 'Valentine's Day' has changed from the start. It started out as a holiday to celebrate the life and death of St. Valentine who was a priest in Rome, and was flogged and burnt at the stake for refusing to deny Jesus to the emperor. Lovely, right? It's so strange to see the pull of Coroprate America and how they were able to take this morbid celebration and make it Hallmark worthy with candy, flowers, and stuffed animals.

Don't get me wrong I love romantic gestures, and can be a quite a mush sometimes, but I feel like designating a day for these actions makes it lose its luster a bit. And although my boyfriend knows my feelings toward this 'day of love', he still sends me texts like these:

"Just smile! Think of it as another day that I can tell you
I love you. It doesn't matter what it is to anyone else!"

This brightened my day :) and made me think that although it has come a long way from its origins, spreading a little love around isn't so bad.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Since Valentine's Day is around the corner:

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am a hopeless romantic. I always have been, always will be. I love the simple gestures that show your significant other is thinking of you and sweet things make me smile. I use the 'stumble' app on my Mac a lot and often times I come across pictures that are just too cute. I know I'm making myself sound like a mush, but I'll shut up and just show you what I'm talking about:

Regardless of if you have someone in mind while reading these or not, I think they are darling. Those are all the I have for now, but rest assured as my collection grows, so will my blog's. 
