Friday, December 7, 2012


Hello everyone!

I have been looking for something to blog about, simply because I don't think my life is that interesting to blog about. So with that being said, I have decided I am going to use this blog as an outlet where I can review beauty products and things like that. Recently, Influenster contacted me asking if I would like to review their 2012 Cosmo VoxBox. Of course I was delighted and agreed! 

For those unfamiliar with Influenster, they are an online company that is a place for people to go and review almost any product or service. They have reviews from cashews to airline companies to resorts abroad. It's actually a pretty useful tool! Anyway, I will be reviewing the products that arrived in the mail yesterday in the near future! 


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pick-Me-Up Tuesdays

I found this idea from All Kinds of Complicated, an adorable blog I follow. Since Tuedays are usually downers in my week (first work day of my week), I figured I would do something fun for Tuesday posts :) Enjoy!

Current guilty pleasure: 
Real Housewives of Orange County. I love me some trashy television!

Current color: 
White..Not a consious thing, but it does show off my slight tan quite nicely.

Current playlist: 
Fences. After my boyfriend and I saw him at Neumos in Capitol Hill, I have been obsessed.

Current read: 
Nothing at the moment :'( I have to write a 25 page paper for my political science class so that takes up pretty much all of my reading time!

Current drink: 
Grande Americano with half-and-hand and two sweet n' lows <3

Current food:
 Just devoured a bag of blueberries.

Current favorite show: 
Law & Order: SVU. Always and forever ;)

Current wish list: 
To move out of my parents house. It's time, but with law school around the corner, I can't afford it :(

Current needs: 
I dunno? I'm not sure if I need anything right now. But working out on a regular basis would be a great benefit for those seeing me in a bathing suit this summer!

Current triumphs: 
Not letting the negative people in my life get me down. I'm better than that.

Current bane of my existence: 
My Alarm Clock >:(

Current celebrity crush:
Oooh..This is always so difficult! I can't say I have just one.. But I do enjoy Rupert Grint. He's quirky cute.

Current indulgence:
 Easter candy. Bad bad bad!

Current blessing: 
My sisters and wonderful boyfriend. They always lift my spirits :)

Current outfit: 
Patent leather flats, black tights, tribal printed high-waisted skirt, white boyfriend-tee, black cardigan and curls galore!

Current excitement: 
At the end of this month I will be almost done with school, I get to go to a Ranier's game, and I am going water rafting with my family!

Current mood:
 Sleepy. Irritated. Stressed.

Current link: 
Pictures. Always has the best pictures <3

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

Okay, I will admit that I may have dropped that ball a bit. I forgot it was Good Friday today until yesterday. I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do on Good Friday since it was the day that Jesus died, but going to a show in Seattle seems like a good idea, right?! Tonight I am going to a Tokyo Police Club show with my boyfriend and friends. Uber excited to say the least!

This weekend is going to be fantastic because I finally get to see my family for an extended period of time, since I am always on the go. Pictures to follow I'm sure!

Enjoy your weekend!


I Love Giveaways

Okay, so I have found another giveaway that I have fallen in love with. If you know me, I am always looking for new and different accessories. I am a 'jeans and a t-shirt' type of girl (most of the time!) so accessories add a little pazzazz to what could be a bland outfit. I follow the blog Una Bella Vita, and she always has great quotes, pictures, and now this giveaway! It is for these cloth bracelets by Theif and Bandit and their products are so cool! I am in love <3. Here are some pictures since I am not the greatest at describing things ;)


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The phrase "it comes all at once" seems to describe my life at the moment. It feels like I blinked and it is already the middle of the quarter. I have papers due, assignments to hand in...Like I am standing still while the world and my life is buzzing around me. My melancholy demeanor doesn't match the brief sunshine peeking through the clouds right now, but all I can focus on is how I want to get away from everyone and just sleep. Hibernation. That sounds nice. But, alas, I have aspirations that won't be achieved by themselves. So I must bite the bullet, be a big girl and redirect my nose to the grind-stone.

These two pictures have been the two things I remind myself when I get in these down-and-out moods or encounter unsavory people:

 Both pictures (via).

And I'm lucky enough to have permanent cheerleaders that will always give me encouragement when needed. (Just a few pictures of some of them!). My baby sister, my middle sister, and my boyfriend. They are all so wonderful and I love them oh so much :)

There is always a silver lining <3

Thursday, April 7, 2011


It has been so ridiculously long since I posted! Oops :) A lot has been going on, and the fact that I am sitting still and NOT sleeping is an anomoly. But I have come to a conclusion so I can maybe have an *excuse* for not posting as frequently, and that is to make my posts have a theme, because believe you me I can ramble about nothing for quite sometime..My idea for the blog is to make it about:
  • Clothing, fashion, books, photographs..things that I enjoy.
  • My boyfriend and I have a 'baking date' almost every week, so I would LOVE to document our creations!
  • Cosmetics in general. It is true, I am a girly-girl and love all things cosmetic. If I try a new product, I'll give my review here!
  • Fun trips that I go on with my boyfriend and loved ones :)
I am an extremely opinionated and strong-willed person, but I have enough time to debate and develop my ideas OUTSIDE of the blogging world, so I am going to *try* to steer clear of politically charged and global issues. Although I may comment on it, I don't want those to be the focus. Let's keep it light, shall we?


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted. Oops! It's finals week, and the weeks leading up to this have been a tad crazy. And to add to that, next quarter is going to be KILLER: Macro Economics, Precalculus, and a PP&E Seminar course which includes a 25 page research paper. So I will be a busy bee until Summer! But, I will admit, I like being this busy rather than sitting on the couch bored out of my mind.

A couple weekends ago, I went to a wedding with my boyfriend and his family; his dad's uncle (? I think!) was getting married. We didn't really take any pictures other than the ones that his dad took of us at the reception. The speech introducing the bridal party was nothing short of a long-winded ramble from the bride's best friend. Here is the pictures (Sorry all my pics are from a cell phone! :/)

On a different subject, I'm entirely too excited for this weekend! Not only will it be nice not to be cramming for a test or having homework to do, but the boy and I will be spending the day in Seattle and then going to a Thunderbird's hockey game! Whoo! I'm sure pictures will follow :) Seattle is so lovely and cannot wait to live there someday. But for right now, I'm content just visiting whenever I can get away from the daily grind. <3



Friday, February 25, 2011

Slacker #1

So I have been having difficulty with posting at regular intervals. I am just busy! School, work, and an attempt at a social life is a bit time consuming.

With the end of my first quarter at the University of Washington Tacoma coming to a close, Finals are on the horizon and it's go time. I need to do exceptionally well in order to pull satisfactory grades in the eyes of the law school that I have in mind. It's a lot of pressure and motivation to keep the 'eye on the prize' can be difficult at times. But I just need to keep my nose to the grindstone for a couple more years.

On another, more cheerful note, the Decemberists concert last weekend was amazing! They always put on such a great show and they had just the right mix of their new CD and other favorites. It was such a treat and a welcomed break from the school-homework-bed-work-homework-bed-school schedule I have developed as of late. Below are some pictures from the show. Take a look! :)

 Waiting for the show to begin! :)
The Decemberists with special guest, a member from R.E.M, who produced their latest album.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


Friday, February 18, 2011


Tonight I get to see the Decemberists again! They are by far one of my favorite bands and my boyfriend takes me to see them whenever they are in town. :) Tonight they will be playing in Seattle at the Paramount Ballroom which is my favorite venue to see live music, just because of the fact that there isn't a bad seat!
Inside the Paramount!
And though I may not be crazy about their new CD The King Is Dead, respect all of them as mucisians and absolutely adore Colin Meloy's voice. The new CD from this group makes sense when you listen to one of Colin Meloy's first musical endeavors, Tarkio, which has the 'Americana' vibe similar to The King Is Dead. In any case, I am ecstatic I get to see them again live tonight! I'm a lucky, lucky girl :)


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Love Giveaways

I know that my blog is at the 'humble beginnings' stage, but I love looking through other blogs and interacting with bloggers. I have taken part in a couple swaps (which is something I would recommend!) and have entered into a few giveaways that these lovely ladies put together! 

One giveaway that I am excited about is Moon Face, a blog I check out regularly. She is putting together her wedding, which is wonderful to watch! She is having a giveaway with a Sailor tote by Bayan Hippo, who has a shop on Etsy <3. I wanted to post this and give a little preview of what some of these ladies offer! 

SO gosh darn adorable :)
