Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The phrase "it comes all at once" seems to describe my life at the moment. It feels like I blinked and it is already the middle of the quarter. I have papers due, assignments to hand in...Like I am standing still while the world and my life is buzzing around me. My melancholy demeanor doesn't match the brief sunshine peeking through the clouds right now, but all I can focus on is how I want to get away from everyone and just sleep. Hibernation. That sounds nice. But, alas, I have aspirations that won't be achieved by themselves. So I must bite the bullet, be a big girl and redirect my nose to the grind-stone.

These two pictures have been the two things I remind myself when I get in these down-and-out moods or encounter unsavory people:

 Both pictures (via).

And I'm lucky enough to have permanent cheerleaders that will always give me encouragement when needed. (Just a few pictures of some of them!). My baby sister, my middle sister, and my boyfriend. They are all so wonderful and I love them oh so much :)

There is always a silver lining <3

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