Thursday, April 7, 2011


It has been so ridiculously long since I posted! Oops :) A lot has been going on, and the fact that I am sitting still and NOT sleeping is an anomoly. But I have come to a conclusion so I can maybe have an *excuse* for not posting as frequently, and that is to make my posts have a theme, because believe you me I can ramble about nothing for quite sometime..My idea for the blog is to make it about:
  • Clothing, fashion, books, photographs..things that I enjoy.
  • My boyfriend and I have a 'baking date' almost every week, so I would LOVE to document our creations!
  • Cosmetics in general. It is true, I am a girly-girl and love all things cosmetic. If I try a new product, I'll give my review here!
  • Fun trips that I go on with my boyfriend and loved ones :)
I am an extremely opinionated and strong-willed person, but I have enough time to debate and develop my ideas OUTSIDE of the blogging world, so I am going to *try* to steer clear of politically charged and global issues. Although I may comment on it, I don't want those to be the focus. Let's keep it light, shall we?


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