Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pick-Me-Up Tuesdays

I found this idea from All Kinds of Complicated, an adorable blog I follow. Since Tuedays are usually downers in my week (first work day of my week), I figured I would do something fun for Tuesday posts :) Enjoy!

Current guilty pleasure: 
Real Housewives of Orange County. I love me some trashy television!

Current color: 
White..Not a consious thing, but it does show off my slight tan quite nicely.

Current playlist: 
Fences. After my boyfriend and I saw him at Neumos in Capitol Hill, I have been obsessed.

Current read: 
Nothing at the moment :'( I have to write a 25 page paper for my political science class so that takes up pretty much all of my reading time!

Current drink: 
Grande Americano with half-and-hand and two sweet n' lows <3

Current food:
 Just devoured a bag of blueberries.

Current favorite show: 
Law & Order: SVU. Always and forever ;)

Current wish list: 
To move out of my parents house. It's time, but with law school around the corner, I can't afford it :(

Current needs: 
I dunno? I'm not sure if I need anything right now. But working out on a regular basis would be a great benefit for those seeing me in a bathing suit this summer!

Current triumphs: 
Not letting the negative people in my life get me down. I'm better than that.

Current bane of my existence: 
My Alarm Clock >:(

Current celebrity crush:
Oooh..This is always so difficult! I can't say I have just one.. But I do enjoy Rupert Grint. He's quirky cute.

Current indulgence:
 Easter candy. Bad bad bad!

Current blessing: 
My sisters and wonderful boyfriend. They always lift my spirits :)

Current outfit: 
Patent leather flats, black tights, tribal printed high-waisted skirt, white boyfriend-tee, black cardigan and curls galore!

Current excitement: 
At the end of this month I will be almost done with school, I get to go to a Ranier's game, and I am going water rafting with my family!

Current mood:
 Sleepy. Irritated. Stressed.

Current link: 
Pictures. Always has the best pictures <3