Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I can't believe how long it's been since I've posted. Oops! It's finals week, and the weeks leading up to this have been a tad crazy. And to add to that, next quarter is going to be KILLER: Macro Economics, Precalculus, and a PP&E Seminar course which includes a 25 page research paper. So I will be a busy bee until Summer! But, I will admit, I like being this busy rather than sitting on the couch bored out of my mind.

A couple weekends ago, I went to a wedding with my boyfriend and his family; his dad's uncle (? I think!) was getting married. We didn't really take any pictures other than the ones that his dad took of us at the reception. The speech introducing the bridal party was nothing short of a long-winded ramble from the bride's best friend. Here is the pictures (Sorry all my pics are from a cell phone! :/)

On a different subject, I'm entirely too excited for this weekend! Not only will it be nice not to be cramming for a test or having homework to do, but the boy and I will be spending the day in Seattle and then going to a Thunderbird's hockey game! Whoo! I'm sure pictures will follow :) Seattle is so lovely and cannot wait to live there someday. But for right now, I'm content just visiting whenever I can get away from the daily grind. <3

